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Spinning Record


Music Portfolio


Based out of Portland, OR, Zach Dunham is a singer-songwriter that has been bringing his eclectic style and soulful voice to the stage for over two decades.

With his work with Ofosho, Northeast Northwest, Condition White, and Del Phoena (see "Projects" page for streaming links), he has performed worldwide in genres all over the musical spectrum.

Zach is currently working on a solo performance show, and is wrapping up work on the latest Ofosho EP. His time not in the studio / shed is spent working with The AFFIX Group to bring musical programming to retirement communities in the greater Portland Metropolitan area. Reach out if you'd like to learn more. 



Professional, precise, punctual, poignant.

With warmth, humor, sensitivity, and keen musical instincts, Zach brings a sense of joy and discovery to every performance. His jazz and gospel roots bring a soulfulness to his playing, and his love of folk, roots, and Americana keep his repertoire grounded, relatable, and moving. He cares deeply about representing the Portland artist community in the best possible light, and will always fight for fair compensation and recognition. 

References gladly available upon request.


"All music is folk music. I ain't never heard a horse sing a song."

Louis Armstrong

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